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Vector Propulsion Technologies (VPT)- BEST Lab Startup raises $250,000

Linar and Nikita (Vector Propulsion Technologies), who graduated from the BEST Lab, raised $250,000 USD and they got accepted to HAX Accelerator, the World’s first and largest Hardware Accelerator.

VPT has a new design of drone which utilizes “Vectorotor, moves by tilting the rotors while keeping the frame stable, fundamentally increasing stability in all conditions.” 

Linar’s entrepreneurial dream started early, he had always imagined he would fulfill his dream after completing school and gaining some work experience but enrolling at the Lassonde School he realized the BEST lab gave him the ability to fast track this and get started right now. 

Nikita started at the Schulich School of Business and joined various startups in hopes of finding success with them. His partnership with Linar started when he joined the BEST Lab. “BEST has been great and we have been able to rely on those services and having that really solid foundation to build something from scratch,” said Linar. “Being able to go from sketches and drawings to working prototypes has been paramount and I’m not sure where else we can get that strong support for those foundational support”.