Honesty, Integrity and Ethics – They Matter.
Tools & Resources:
New Senate Academic Conduct Policy and Procedures (Effective September 1st, 2024)
Senate Policy on Academic Honesty (for suspected breaches that occurred before September 1st, 2024)
AI Technology and Academic Integrity: Information and Strategies for Instructors
Lassonde’s Undergraduate Academic Integrity Module
Academic Integrity Checklist (for Individual Assessments)
Academic Integrity Checklist for Group Assignments
Academic Integrity Checklist for Assessment Design
Academic Integrity Icons Template
Senate Policy on Academic Honesty (for suspected breaches that occurred before September 1st, 2024)
Academic Misconduct Process – Infographic
Lassonde Academic Honesty Statement
Tips for Promoting Academic Integrity in the Classroom
Tips for Promoting Academic Integrity
in an Online Environment

AI and Education: A Hands-On Workshop for Course Transformation
Looking to get some hands-on time as you respond to ChatGPT and other generative AI tools in your teaching? Join us for a fully online course in the practical pedagogy of technology-enhanced teaching in the age of artificial intelligence.
More information and registration
Academic Integrity in the Learning Environment
Instructors and TAs play a vital role in educating students about academic integrity and helping them understand their responsibilities. The following sections provide information, strategies and resources that you can incorporate to help create a learning environment where positive student behaviour is encouraged, and cases of academic misconduct are minimized.
For more information and to review tool and resources, click here.
Academic Integrity Speaker Series 2022
Over the course of the Winter semester 2022, Lassonde invited a number of guest speakers and panelists to present on various topics related to academic integrity. We were able to record the sessions, so please feel free to view them below.
Faculty Resources & Supports
Building a Culture of Integrity & Neutralizing Technology
Guest Speaker: Cory Scurr, Ph.D. Academic Integrity Coordinator, Conestoga Library & Learning Services
Engineering Authentic Assessments: Considerations for Emerging Practice
Guest Speaker: Dr. Jason Openo, Medicine Hat College and University of Alberta
Academic Integrity & International Students

Additional Resources
Academic Integrity Resources & Supports from York Central: https://www.yorku.ca/unit/vpacad/academic-integrity/
- Supplementary Results of the CAIS-1 Survey on Cheating in Undergraduate Engineering Programs in Saskatchewan
- Presentation: Managing for Academic Integrity in High Education: Some (Surprising) Insights From Behavioral Ethics, Sheldene Simola, Trent University
- Managing for Academic Integrity in Higher Education: Insights From Behavioral Ethics, Sheldene Simola, Trent University
- For Instructors and TAs: Strategies for Combating Academic Misconduct, York U Academic Integrity
Questions, Comments, or Concerns?
- Garret Keown, Manager, Academic Integrity
- honesty@yorku.ca General Inquiries
Student Welcome and Support Centre
105 Bergeron Centre for Engineering Excellence
Lassonde School of Engineering