Earth & Space Science & Engineering department hosts otherworldly research talk as part of the Lassonde Distinguished Speaker Series

In March, the Earth & Space Science & Engineering department at York University’s Lassonde School of Engineering hosted an engaging research talk about the commercialization of space, as part of the Lassonde Distinguished Speaker Series.
A full room welcomed the esteemed guest speaker, Kathleen Connor Howell, Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics in the College of Engineering at Purdue University, as she led a fascinating research discussion and interactive question and answer session.
This event allowed attendees to enjoy an inspirational, knowledge-building and thought-provoking experience among peers who share a keen interest in space science and engineering.

Professor Kathleen Connor Howell presenting at the Lassonde Distinguished Speaker Series event.
Throughout the research talk, Professor Howell discussed the futuristic idea of using the Earth-moon neighbourhood, known as cislunar space, to build an economy that is quite literally – out of this world. This unique space economy would help support a shared, international goal of creating a new era of space exploration.
To achieve this goal, researchers are working toward establishing a clear understanding of cislunar space and the ways this vast region can be used to implement multipurpose infrastructure that supports diverse space activities and future missions. For example, NASA is currently working on developing a long-term, inhabitable facility within the lunar vicinity to serve as a hub for space activities. Other researchers are investigating ways to advance the potential of space activities by developing infrastructure for a wide variety of needs, ranging from fuel storage and material manufacturing to transportation and laundry services.

Audience listening to Professor Kathleen Connor Howell at the Lassonde Distinguished Speaker Series event.
During her talk, Professor Howell encouraged student attendees in the space science and engineering field to nurture their passion and remain resilient and confident amidst obstacles they face throughout their academic journeys.

“I thought Professor Howell’s presentation was engaging and informative for students interested in the space industry,” says Pramithy Krishnan, undergraduate student in Space Engineering. “The idea of implementing Lunar Highways feels revolutionary to me as a second-year space engineering student. Professor Howell’s presentation compels you to think about commercialized space travel from a whole new perspective. In just a few hours, she communicated the future of space travel, opening my eyes to various new opportunities.”
About the Lassonde Distinguished Speaker Series
The Lassonde Distinguished Speaker Series aims to foster interdisciplinary learning and collaboration in engineering and science. Each department at the School hosts a thought-provoking research talk, led by a prestigious guest researcher who is working at the forefront of innovation in their field.