Introducing the 2022 Lassonde Scholarship Recipients

On Monday, March 6, Lassonde welcomed the 2022 cohort of Lassonde Scholars to celebrate their accomplishments at the Lassonde Scholars Reception. The newest recipients of the Lassonde Scholarship were joined by Pierre and Julie Lassonde of the Lassonde Family Foundation and Dean Jane Goodyer.

These students join a community of over 100 Lassonde Scholars who demonstrate academic excellence, creative thinking and community leadership.
“Through their extracurricular activities, research, entrepreneurial endeavours, and community leadership, our Lassonde Scholars are an inspiration to others both within Lassonde and in the broader community,” says Jane Goodyer, Dean of the Lassonde School of Engineering.

Through the Lassonde Scholarship, the Lassonde Family Foundation is supporting Lassonde’s work in empowering diverse creators to make a positive impact. This generous financial support reduces barriers to post-secondary STEM education completion, helping ensure the next generation of engineers and scientists are part of a more equitable, diverse and inclusive STEM environment.
“The community of Scholars that Mr. Lassonde has built here is one that I am proud to call family and one that I’m proud to be a member of,” says Yisroel Rosenberg, Lassonde Scholar and third-year Civil Engineering student. “The students and faculty at Lassonde are consistently looking out for one another no matter the discipline one is studying.”

Lassonde is proud to welcome the fourteen newest Lassonde Scholarship recipients of 2022. You can learn more about each of them below:
Shahen Alexanian is a third-year computer science student. During his time at Lassonde, he has been a PASS leader and mentor in the Computational Thinking Club. Alexanian hopes his future career involves collaborating with others to solve challenging problems.
Jatin Chhabra is an international student in his third year of Mechanical Engineering. He has worked as an undergraduate researcher in machine learning as part of the LURA program and strives to be a changemaker and community leader.
Lucas Chua is in his final year of the Electrical Engineering program and is also completing the BEST program. Chua is currently working on a capstone project that uses machine learning and Wi-Fi to help the elderly and people with disabilities gain more independence through smart home devices.
Shannon Fernando is studying Atmospheric Science and completing a certificate in Meteorology. She hopes to pursue new media journalism and is currently working at the Weather Network as part of a video meteorologist internship.
Connor Humphries is a third-year Space Engineering student. He is hoping to focus his studies on space debris and space architecture. Through research opportunities, events, and involvement with the York University Robotics Society, Humphries hopes to gain expertise and experience within these fields.
Kiet Le is a Computer Engineering student with a passion for learning. Community involvement is important to Le, and he has been active in the Lassonde Engineering Society (LES) in addition to his studies. Through his work with LES, Le is creating opportunities for students to learn and network.
Wan Ning Ma is a first-year Computer Science student aspiring to a career in machine learning. As the first-year representative of the Computing Students Hub, she is committed to helping her peers navigate the transition into post-secondary education. She also gives back to the community through her work as an interpreter and translator for families seeking refugee protection in Canada.
Pratish Patel is an international third-year Mechanical Engineering student. Patel would like to pursue a career in aerodynamics and aviation. He is also a member of the Lassonde Motorsports team and has participated in many Lassonde Engineering Society events.
Yisroel Rosenberg is a third-year Civil Engineering student. He aims to inspire other students at Lassonde through his role as co-president of the Civil Engineers of Lassonde club. Rosenberg hopes to pursue a master’s degree in environmental engineering so that he can help design global sustainable systems.
Fatema Roshni is a Mechanical Engineering student with the aspiration of starting a small business. She is involved with several clubs at York University, has taken part in mentorship programs and is teaching herself coding to better integrate software with machines.
Glendon Stewart is a first-year Computer Engineering student. He is currently working on a project to outfit a compressor tank that is a part of an air suspension in cars with a water sensor and Arduino. Stewart hopes to pursue his master’s degree in computer engineering and focus his career in the automotive and electric vehicles sector.
Misheel Tuguldur is a first-year Computer Science student who is passionate about inspiring women in STEM. She is an active member of the Lassonde community and is focused on volunteering, getting involved with student clubs and assisting others as a peer helper.
Kristin Villena is in her first year studying Computer Science. She aims to become a computer science educator after her positive experience volunteering as a student-teacher. Her passion for teaching and learning motivated her to become a class representative at Lassonde.
Dominique Wanandi is an international student in his second year of Civil Engineering. He is committed to using his skills to improve Lassonde and has gotten involved in the Civil Engineering Society. Wanandi is interested in project management and strives to lead by example.

Meet the 2021 Lassonde Scholars.