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Lassonde’s Amirfazli to be the first President of the College of New Scholars

Dr. Alidad Amirfazli, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Lassonde School of Engineering at York University, was elected as the first President of the College of New Scholars. His term as President will begin immediately.

“Dr. Amirfazli is an excellent choice for the first President of the College, and I look forward to working with him over the next few months to begin to launch the new College programmes,” said RSC President Graham Bell.

In his Vision Statement published alongside his appointment, Professor Amirfazli said:

“I envision the College to be a voice for the generation of scholars and artists that are at their prime of engagement with society, scholarship, and the education of the future generation of scholars and artists. The voice, and an agent of change that is to serve the Canadians and Canada at large; the voice, to address the particular issues/concerns faced by the new scholars, artists, and scientists,”

He continued,

“A voice that is viewed as an interdisciplinary resource to provide learned and actionable opinions for societal, cultural, environmental, technological, and health challenges. Une voix de mentorat pour la prochaine génération de chercheurs et d’artistes au Canada. A voice that is connecting us to the global community of scholars and artists and one that promotes Canadian scholarship within and outside of Canada.”

Commending Professor Amirfazli for his appointment to this role, Lassonde’s Founding Dean Janusz Kozinski said:

“Professor Amirfazli is an outstanding researcher and academic leader. We are very proud to see a member of our Lassonde community selected for such a high profile and important undertaking.”

“He will no doubt hit the ground running and we look forward to supporting this new organization with Professor Amirfazli at the helm,” he added.

As President, Dr. Amirfazli becomes the first member of the College Council, and he will be joined by a Secretary and two Members-at-Large in the coming months. He will also sit as a member of the Council of the Royal Society of Canada.


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