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Lassonde Undergraduate Summer Research Conference 2022

August 16, 2022⠀⠀

9:00 am – 4:30 pm⠀⠀

In-Person Event⠀⠀

@YU Second Student Centre


The 2022 Undergraduate Summer Student Research Conference was held on August 16, 2022.

Over 90 undergraduate students from the Lassonde School of Engineering and beyond presented their research projects during this conference. The students presented their research on a wide range of projects focusing on the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals, such as

  • The effect of climate change on bridge infrastructure
  • The effect of electric vehicle charging loads on the power grid
  • Ensuring point of use water safety in decentralized drinking water systems in Canada
  • Modeling the effect of climate change on groundwater recharge
  • and many more interesting topics…

The research projects were funded through the following programs:

  • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada: Undergraduate Student Research Award (NSERC USRA)
  • Lassonde Undergraduate Research Award (LURA)
  • Mitacs Globalink Research Internship (GRI)
  • Research at York (RAY)

Congratulations to our 2022 Conference Winners!

Best Presentation

1st Place

Faruq Afolabi
Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Exploring the Impact of Immersion on Teleoperated MASS

2nd Place

Mark Vertlib
Department of Earth & Space Science & Engineering
Improving the Satellite Facet Modelling Process for More Accurate Simulated Light Curve Analysis

3rd Place

Maria Beshara
Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Gallium-Nitride Based Multi-MHz Bidirectional Power Interface for Integrated Energy Storage in a DC Microgrid

Honorary Mentions

Madison Bardoel
Kumar Vaibhav Jha
Dhyan Thakkar
Walid Orabi
Kyle Lapuz
Vannesa Weedmark
Kyle Baird
Anupriya Ravula
Faiz Ahmed
Hongru Wang
Xuchen Tan
Nadine Norman
Suha Siddiqui
Bridget Price
Jarod Anjelo P. Lustre

Students’ Choice Awards

1st Place

Hira Memron
Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Cost Optimization Model of Electric Vehicles Parking Lots for Distribution System Operator

2nd Place

Jessie Chesal
Department of Earth & Space Science & Engineering
Cyclostrophic Winds in the Atmosphere of Venus from the Radio-Occultation data collected by Venus Express and Akatsuki

3rd Place

Jack Wawrow
Department of Earth & Space Science & Engineering
Open-Source Photometric Light Curve Processor for Space Situational Awareness (SSA)

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