On behalf of Faculty Council, and in alignment with Senate, the LCS Committee shall be responsible for the development and oversight of curriculum, academic standards and pedagogy for the degrees and non-degree programming across the School, including supporting the delivery of curriculum and service courses for programs across the university in areas where Lassonde has disciplinary expertise.
Meeting Dates 2024-2025
LCS meetings take place on Wednesdays from 9:30 – 11:00 am (typically the third Wednesday of the month with exceptions *noted below).
September 18, 2024
October 16, 2024
October 30, 2024*
November 13, 2024*
November 27, 2024*
December 11, 2024*
January 15, 2025
February 19, 2025
March 19, 2025
April 23, 2025
May 21, 2025
June 18, 2025
Full Terms of Reference
departments, including research-informed pedagogy, including taking into account the impact of the student experience and soliciting student input. The committee will undertake these responsibilities within the context of the
Faculty and University’s missions and planning objectives.
The committee is responsible for the implementation and oversight of academic items governing: Curricular Strategic Priorities; Program Evaluation & Compliance; and Innovation in Program Delivery.
The committee will:
2.1.1. Bring forward recommendations and motions for approval to Faculty Council on academic standards, curriculum, regulations, teaching and learning (including modes, times and location of program delivery).
2.1.2. Review proposals for new, or changes to, program requirements, certificates or micro-credentials, and make recommendations to Council for approval.
2.1.3. Approve proposals for new courses or changes to existing courses, forwarding to Council to appear under consent agenda.
2.1.4. Review and approve proposals for non-degree activities. Coordinate approval with the Dean.
2.1.5. Promote the development of interdisciplinary and inter-Faculty programs.
2.1.6. Formulate and make recommendations to Council on the establishment, disestablishment and modification of programs, diplomas and certificates; in concurrence with the Planning, Academic Resources & Research Committee (PARR).
2.1.7. Oversee Curriculum Committees’ master accreditation unit (AU) map and accreditation unit management monitoring graduate attribute (GA) performance and identify opportunities for continual improvement. Reporting upcoming curricular changes to their respective Departments.
2.1.8. Ensure department representatives are leading timely consultations with stakeholders (including Graduate and Undergraduate Program Curriculum Committees, Industry Advisory Boards, External Program Undergraduate Program Directors and Graduate Program Directors, etc.)
2.2.1. Oversee academic processes related to Quality Assurance Process and Continual Program Improvement including the implementation of existing Senate and Faculty policies (i.e., Undergraduate Program Reviews, Graduate Program Appraisals and Accreditation, and others)
2.2.2. Review and make recommendations to Faculty Council on process and policy improvements with respect to formal and informal evaluation exercises.
2.2.3. Formulate new policies as deemed necessary in concurrence with PARR (e.g. PARR’s Terms of reference states it will receive reports from LCS on such items)
2.3.1. Oversee, make recommendations and advance the School’s innovation in program delivery with respect to: E-learning, experiential education, active learning, and technology in the classroom and in support of academic programs and initiatives.
2.3.2. Receive requests for input and make informed recommendations on policy matters concerning ancillary curriculum that may have academic implications. (e.g., associated course fees, etc.);
2.3.3. Initiate advances in teaching and learning, by identifying relevant best-practices and innovative approaches & technologies (at York and globally) that are likely to enhance student learning in line with Lassonde’s academic priorities.
2.4.1. Coordinate, design and implement with Faculty Council, Council Committees & Senate Committees on major academic program, principles and policy developments or changes, and issues of joint concern to create strategies, plans, processes and forms for assessing Continuous Program Improvement (CPI) frameworks, degree expectations, graduate attributes and program learning outcomes.
2.4.2. Invite academic subject matter experts to inform committee discussions including, but not limited to, the Undergraduate and Graduate Program Directors, the Director of Common Engineering, the Chairs of Departmental Curriculum Committees, the Graduate Attribute Leads, the Assistant Dean of Students, and the Manager of Graduate Studies.
2.4.3. Constitute Sub-Committees, cyclical committees and working groups as deemed necessary to deal with emerging priorities in relation to curriculum, curricular policy, innovation in program delivery and standards. Such as:
• Academic Honesty, Standards, Petitions & Appeals Sub-Committee
• LEEF Adjudication Cyclical Committee
• AIF Adjudication Cyclical Committee
• Create a diverse, inclusive integrated teaching, learning and research environment.
• Empower diverse internal and external communities to organically grow by optimizing existing spaces and creating new ones with a culturally inclusive lens.
• Prioritize equitable outcomes by adopting a values-driven integrated approach to research, teaching & learning and operations.
• Cultivate an inclusive interdisciplinary community that brings the diverse perspectives required to envision and devise engineering and science solutions that address environmental, economic and social problems.
The membership of LCS shall be as follows:
Title | # of Members | # of Votes |
Ex-Officio Membership | – | – |
Associate Dean, Academic & Students | 1 | 1 |
Assistant Dean Students | 1 | 1 |
Manager, Graduate Studies | 1 | 1 |
Chair of Council (non-voting) | 1 | 0 |
Librarian | 1 | 1 |
Membership | – | – |
4 Faculty Members (1/dept) | 4 | 4 |
2 Faculty Members at Large | 2 | 2 |
3 Students (2 Undergraduate, 1 Graduate) | 3 | 3 |
Secretary to Committee (non-voting) | 1 | 0 |
Total | 15 | 13 |
4.2 Period of Appointments
Ex-Officio Members:
• Ex-officio members shall hold their position for the duration of their appointment in that role.
• The undergraduate and graduate students elected and/or appointed as members will serve for one-year, renewable.
Staggered Committee Membership Terms:
• To avoid complete turnover of the committee membership at one time, and to maintain continuity in the running of the committee, the committee will aim for a staggered-term membership whereby only 50% of the committee membership is to be turned over each year, preventing more than one-half of the terms from expiring at the same time.
4.3. Elections/Nominations
Faculty Council engages in an annual call to for elections and call for nominations to fill positions on Council & its Committees, through its various constituents:
Full-time Faculty positions:
• The Chair of the Committee is selected by the voting members of the LCS Committee for a one-year term with the understanding that the Vice-Chair will succeed the Chair
• The Vice-Chair of the Committee is selected by the voting members of the Committee for a one-year term, with the understanding that they will transition to Chair of the Committee.
• The Vice-Chair will be appointed in September with the transition between the Chair and Vice-Chair to occur from May to September.
Student positions:
• Student vacancies are filled via a centralized process which will be managed by the Executive Committee. The election process is conducted by the respective student bodies of the Lassonde undergraduate student government and Lassonde graduate student associations.
EDI Champion Role:
• The committee shall select a member, other than the Chair, to take on the additional role of being the committee’s EDI Champion, beyond their normal membership tasks (see EDI Champion Role document)
• An alternate should be identified for each committee member to attend committee meetings in cases when a member cannot. Ideally, the alternate shall succeed the member in the following membership term.
4.4. Representation by Proxy
• Provisions have been made for elected and ex officio members to designate a substitute, adhering to the criteria for a faculty member to hold a licensed P.Eng designation, as defined in 4.1 above.
4.5. Resignation/Dismissal of Members
• Should an elected member resign from the committee, the Chair will endeavour to find a replacement. In the event a replacement cannot be found, a call will go out from the Executive Committee to solicit a replacement from Faculty Council.
• Any member may be dismissed for any of the following reasons: 1) missing three (3) consecutive meetings (except in cases of illness or other weighty grounds); and/or 2) for other cause for which the committee finds to be just.
• Normally, committee meetings will be held completely virtually via videoconference or in a hybrid/Hyflex (in-person + simultaneous videoconference) format.
• All Committee meeting agendas should be made available to the Lassonde community at least one week in advance of a committee meeting.
• Meeting minutes should be shared to the extent possible without breaching confidentiality.
• Meetings of LCS are open to members of the Lassonde community, subject to the availability of space
• When LCS considers matters relating to specific individuals or to other matters where confidentiality must be observed, the committee may, in the notice for a meeting, declare part of a meeting to be closed or in camera.
• When LCS meets in camera, only LCS members may be present.
• LCS has adopted “York University Rules of Senate” to guide and inform its governance structure and operations.
• This committee shall make its decisions based on a simple majority of those members present and voting at a duly constituted meeting
• Committee members will notify the Chair/Secretary if they will be absent from a meeting.
5.2. Chair & Vice-Chair
• The Chair of LCS is responsible for providing leadership to the committee in pursuit of its mandate. The Chair presides at all committee meetings, acts as the official spokesperson for the committee, and ensures that the committee operates in conformity with the rules enacted by Faculty Council and Senate.
• In the case of the absence or illness of the Chair and the Vice-Chair, the committee may appoint one of the members of the committee to act as Chair pro tempore and for such period the member so appointed shall act as, and have all the powers of, the Chair.
5.3. Quorum
• Per Senate rules, the quorum shall consist of a majority of voting members.
5.4. Timing and Frequency of Meetings
• LCS meetings take place on Wednesdays from 9.30 – 11.00 am, typically on the third Wednesday of the month. It is typical that additional meetings are scheduled during the period of October to January.
• The committee may conduct additional meetings as warranted by committee business.
5.5. Standing Orders
• The conduct of the business of the meeting shall be subject to the “York University Rules of Senate”
5.6. Agenda, Administration, and Minutes
• LCS shall be supported by the Secretary to the Committee.
• All records of the meetings, including the minutes, shall be retained in accordance with the Common Records Schedule (CRS) for Faculty Councils (ADG15) and Faculty Council Committees (ADG17) under York University’s Information, Privacy and Copyright Office.
• The Committee Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring correspondence and decisions made by the Committee are available to relevant people or bodies, including the membership of sub-committees and secretaries of relevant Faculty Councils, including departmental curriculum committees and Chairs of departments as appropriate.
5.7. Voting
• All members of the committee are voting members unless specifically indicated otherwise, with the exception of discipline specific curricular items as defined by the membership votes in section 4. Ex officio and elected/appointed members have the same voting rights.
• Pursuant to the discretion of the Chair, members may be permitted to vote by means of an electronic communication (e-vote) which enables the votes to be gathered in a manner that permits their subsequent verification
• Reports to Executive (to Council);
• Reports items requiring concurrence between LCS & PARR;
• Academic Standards (concurrence);
• Annual Report in Spring to the Faculty Council;
• Receives annual and term reports/updates from all sub-committees and/or Working Groups.
Approved by: Faculty Council
Date: June 2023
*Click here for the PDF version
More Information
2.1.1. Bring forward recommendations and motions for approval to Faculty Council on curriculum, regulations, teaching and learning (including modes, times and location of program delivery).
2.1.2. Review proposals for new, or changes to, program requirements, certificates or micro-credentials, and make recommendations to Council for approval.
2.1.3. Approve proposals for new courses or changes to existing courses, forwarding to Council to appear under consent agenda.
2.1.4. Review and approve proposals for non-degree activities. Coordinate approval with the Dean.
2.1.5. Promote the development of interdisciplinary and inter-Faculty programs.
2.1.6. Formulate and make recommendations to Council on the establishment, disestablishment and modification of programs, diplomas and certificates; in concurrence with the Planning, Academic Resources & Research Committee (PARR).
2.1.7. Oversee Curriculum Committees’ master accreditation unit (AU) map and accreditation unit management monitoring graduate attribute (GA) performance and identify opportunities for continual improvement. Reporting upcoming curricular changes to their respective Departments.
2.1.8. Ensure department representatives are leading timely consultations with stakeholders (including Graduate and Undergraduate Program Curriculum Committees, Industry Advisory Boards, External Program Undergraduate Program Directors and Graduate Program Directors, etc.)
The membership of LCS shall be as follows:
Title | # of Members | # of Votes |
Ex-Officio Membership | – | – |
Associate Dean, Academic & Students | 1 | 1 |
Assistant Dean Students | 1 | 1 |
Manager, Graduate Studies | 1 | 1 |
Chair of Council (non-voting) | 1 | 0 |
Librarian | 1 | 1 |
Membership | – | – |
4 Faculty Members (1/dept) | 4 | 4 |
2 Faculty Members at Large | 2 | 2 |
3 Students (2 Undergraduate, 1 Graduate) | 3 | 3 |
Secretary to Committee (non-voting) | 1 | 0 |
Total | 15 | 13 |
Ex Officio Membership
Associate Dean, Academic & Students
Assistant Dean, Students
Manager, Graduate Studies
Chair of Council (non-voting)
4 Faculty Members (1/dept)
2 Faculty Members at large
3 Students (2 Undergraduate, 1 Graduate)
Secretary to Committee (non-voting)
4.2. Period of Appointments
Ex-Officio Members:
• Ex-officio members shall hold their position for the duration of their appointment in that role.
• The undergraduate and graduate students elected and/or appointed as members will serve for one-year, renewable.
Staggered Committee Membership Terms:
• To avoid complete turnover of the committee membership at one time, and to maintain continuity in the running of the committee, the committee will aim for a staggered-term membership whereby only 50% of the committee membership is to be turned over each year, preventing more than one-half of the terms from expiring at the same time.
4.3. Elections/Nominations
Faculty Council engages in an annual call to for elections and call for nominations to fill positions on Council & its Committees, through its various constituents:
Full-time Faculty positions:
• The Chair of the Committee is selected by the voting members of the LCS Committee for a one-year term with the understanding that the Vice-Chair will succeed the Chair
• The Vice-Chair of the Committee is selected by the voting members of the Committee for a one-year term, with the understanding that they will transition to Chair of the Committee.
• The Vice-Chair will be appointed in September with the transition between the Chair and Vice-Chair to occur from May to September.
Student positions:
• Student vacancies are filled via a centralized process which will be managed by the Executive Committee. The election process is conducted by the respective student bodies of the Lassonde undergraduate student government and Lassonde graduate student associations.
EDI Champion Role:
• The committee shall select a member, other than the Chair, to take on the additional role of being the committee’s EDI Champion, beyond their normal membership tasks (see EDI Champion Role document)
• An alternate should be identified for each committee member to attend committee meetings in cases when a member cannot. Ideally, the alternate shall succeed the member in the following membership term.
4.4. Resignation/Dismissal of Members
• Should an elected member resign from the committee, the Chair will endeavour to find a replacement. In the event a replacement cannot be found, a call will go out from the Executive Committee to solicit a replacement from Faculty Council.
• Any member may be dismissed for any of the following reasons: 1) missing three (3) consecutive meetings (except in cases of illness or other weighty grounds); and/or 2) for other cause for which the committee finds to be just.
LCS Toolkit
LCS Dates for Submitting Agenda Items
LCS Guideline on Curriculum Process
LCS Monthly Curriculum Process
Defining Consultation in Curriculum Development Processes
Curriculum Management Workflow
Curriculum Checklist – New Course Proposal, Course Changes, Change in Degree Programs
Curriculum Management Tool (Kuali) – New Course Proposals and Course Changes
LE Changes to Degree Requirements Form
LE Existing Course Change Form (Expiring/Retiring a Course)
Council, LCS & PARR Terms of Reference
York University Academic Calendar
York University Course Website
2024-25 Committee Members
Suprakash Datta Associate Dean, Academic & Students
Mitch Burnie
Assistant Dean, Students
Almey Tse-Soriano
Manager, Graduate Studies
Eric Ruppert
Vice-Chair of Faculty Council
John Dupui
Cuiying Jian
Faculty Member (MECH)
Hossam Sadek
Faculty Member (MECH alternate)
Stephanie Gora
Faculty Member (CIVL)
Faculty Member
(CIVL alternate)
Shahin Kamali
Faculty Member (EECS)
John Lam
Faculty Member (EECS Alternate)
Faculty Member (ESSE)
Faculty Member (ESSE Alternate)
Faculty Member at Large
Costas Armenakis
Faculty Member at Large
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Graduate Student
Pam Edgecombe
Secretary to Committee, non-voting (Staff Resource)
Frances Valerio
Assistant Secretary, non-voting (Staff Resource)