Category: Z-Alumni Stories
Alumni Profiles: Raghavender Sahdev
In a few words, Raghavender Sahdev (MSc ‘15), can be described as ambitious, passionate, and…
Category: Z-Alumni Stories
Alumni Profiles: Rita Saikali, Michael Soto
In the final months of her Master’s of Applied Science degree at York University’s Lassonde …
Category: Z-Alumni Stories
Alumni Profile: Sarah Karam
The next time one of RBC’s 90,000 employees has a tech issue, they can thank Sarah Karam, BE…
Category: Z-Alumni Stories
Alumni Profile: Alison Evans Adnani
Three years into her York University computer science degree, Alison Evans Adnani, BSc’95, w…
Category: Z-Alumni Stories
Alumni Profile: Shelly Sahani
Crouched in front of a video screen inside a temporary building in the Utah desert, Shelly S…
Category: Z-Alumni Stories
Alumni Profile: Robert Ingino
When Robert Ingino, BEng’18, is tackling a stubborn challenge he thinks back to his award-wi…
Category: Z-Alumni Stories
Alumni Profile: Bilal Raza
When Bilal Raza, BEng’17, stepped off the 14-hour flight from Islamabad, Pakistan to Toronto…